Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Am I Providing Opportunities Reflecting All?

FRIDAY JUNE 12 | 13:00 MT

Presented by Lori Schwartz Reichl

Cultural diversity is defined as the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. Diversity can include age, culture, ethnicity, gender, race, or sexual orientation. Superior music, exemplary musicianship, and motivational leadership exist in all cultures and ethnic groups. It is our duty as educators to acknowledge this, educate ourselves, and to provide a diverse representation of conductors, composers, and clinicians as a reflection of all students. Our students need to see a reflection of themselves and others in the role models who stand before them. It is crucial for acceptance, development, and unity. This session will sharpen your vision and magnify your lens by expanding your teaching knowledge and your students’ learning beyond the familiar to explore diverse examples for instruction. Diversification does not equate to sacrificing quality. In this session, you will learn best practices for choosing music, selecting engaging conductors, and hiring motivating clinicians to serve as inspiration for all populations of students and educators. Advocacy will be presented and diversified resources will be provided. Before selecting repertoire, inviting a guest conductor, or scheduling a clinician, look in the mirror and ask yourself one simple question: “Am I providing opportunities reflecting all?”